
source of all the commotion.

so there it is, the infamous wedge compression fracture of the anterior superior of my L-3 vertebrae. seems to be pretty insignificant considering all the attention it’s getting (and frankly the trouble it’s giving me).

wedge compression fracture of the anterior superior of my L-3
Originally uploaded by in retrospect.
i made it to the orthopedist this morning, to make sure i get the right treatment, a hall pass to return to work and heal up properly.

my physician, Dr. Fish, confirmed i was real lucky, it’s on the inside of the spine and it’s a stable fracture so in six weeks or so i’ll be all healed up and good as new.

having covered the important stuff, i staged a small protest to the radiologist notes that my pelvis was “unremarkable”. i feel that was extraordinarily poor phrasing on their part. so filling out the new patient form i retaliated by checking “eats too little/too much” and “unhappy” under the “mental state” category.

subsequently, he wrote me prescriptions for more painkillers than one person of my size and disposition should really have access to.

so i’m sure my message got across loud and clear.

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