Tag Archives: accident



and for the underdeveloped and unchallenged these kinds of things seem pretty rough. then i hear about the one-legged soccer player who gets out on the field and hop kicks a ton of ass out there on the field and LOVES IT. or the Iraq War vetran who has lost a leg and is out placing in the iron man. or my friend down the hall who is hobbling today, but most days is kicking my ass every day with unmatched class and generosity against a backdrop of a rich, tough layered history of challenges. and quietly reminds me. there are many depths to face head on with grace and fierce determination.
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well as i mentioned a couple of weeks ago, i had a follow up my physician to see how the spine is doing, and apparently the damn thing still isn’t healing up. so, i had a CT scan of my spine so he could get a better look at why. i just got off the […]
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ahem. please pay attention.

i had my six-week follow up to see how my spine is healing up from my poor annie oakley impersonation on a polo pony in palm springs a few weeks back. my first appointment with dr. fish went well, but i found him awfully arrogant, cocky and frankly not a very good listener. which sometimes […]
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source of all the commotion.

so there it is, the infamous wedge compression fracture of the anterior superior of my L-3 vertebrae. seems to be pretty insignificant considering all the attention it’s getting (and frankly the trouble it’s giving me). wedge compression fracture of the anterior superior of my L-3 Originally uploaded by in retrospect. i made it to the […]
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that thing you're going through

ok, i’ve gotten so many sweet notes and get well wishes from people i love. but i have to say this is best get well message. EVER. thank you ariel, for causing me to re-injure myself by collapsing in a heap of laughter.
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this makes it seven.

i like to think of myself as an adventerous girl who’s always game for a little excitement. while in mexico i jumped at the opportunity to get in the ring in flip-flops and a cape for a “faux-bullfight” (which turned out not to be faux at all), bungee jumped in cowboy boots for $20 and […]
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a blessing or a curse?

sometimes i wonder if i’m blessed or cursed. so, i’m driving back from my mother’s house in the #4 lane of the 405, moving along at about 70 mph and suddenly the cars to my right start to slow down. a lot. i began to react before i registered what was happening hitting the brakes. […]
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back on 2 [wobbly] feet

GREAT NEWS! i went my doctor’s appt yesterday but i went in with little hope of any major progress — almost 8 months of incredibly slow moving progress (pun intended) creates a bit of hoplessness in that regard — and finally, music to my ears, the BONE IS HEALED!! i can now wear 2 normal […]
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hobblin' along

more news on the progress of my right foot. i headed into my doctor’s office today for my appointment. went in for the xrays — for some reason i wore a skirt that made this visit a little more exciting than the rest. as i was waiting for the doctor i pulled out my xrays […]
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court part 1

court part 1 i was called into court this morning to stand as a witness against mr. scott alan schoenkopz who caused my little accident last halloween. the last preliminary hearing was rescheduled, but supposedly today was the day. well, i get into the courtroom and sit in the front row behind the district atty’s […]
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