a confluence of disparate events over the last few years have caused my personal web site and blog to languish from neglect and, well, laziness. i’ve updated information here and there so that folks could find me. but then again not TOO many folks. also, i developed mixed emotions about maintaining such a journalistic weblog once co-workers starting bringing up topics that were a little “too” personal or shooting me “knowing” looks, while i’m thinking, “where did that come from?”
then i remembered, right. the WEBLOG.
but more than that, i started playing with cameras more than keyboards, experienced some serious (and wonderful) career developments, spent as much time up in the air as down on the ground, not to mention server side scripts that broke the blog engine and in the end, i just haven’t had the time to get things going again.
however, i love to write. i adore playing with words. and i like to think out loud. but more than anything, i miss the process. i care less about how many people are interested in what i have to say, and more about putting stuff out there because it feels good. only this time with a little more care with how i go about it.
after years of listening to Ariel’s advice and following her lead–i’ll be making most of the posts from the previous blog password-protected and be a little more careful about what is made public. so for the 5 or 6 people who still check in from time to time, you’ll need a password to see the good stuff.
in the meantime, this clunky little site is being slowly assembled by mr. Dave Keffer and myself, so please excuse the mess while i get this thing put back together.
and the cat came back
a confluence of disparate events over the last few years have caused my personal web site and blog to languish from neglect and, well, laziness. i’ve updated information here and there so that folks could find me. but then again not TOO many folks. also, i developed mixed emotions about maintaining such a journalistic weblog once co-workers starting bringing up topics that were a little “too” personal or shooting me “knowing” looks, while i’m thinking, “where did that come from?”
then i remembered, right. the WEBLOG.
but more than that, i started playing with cameras more than keyboards, experienced some serious (and wonderful) career developments, spent as much time up in the air as down on the ground, not to mention server side scripts that broke the blog engine and in the end, i just haven’t had the time to get things going again.
however, i love to write. i adore playing with words. and i like to think out loud. but more than anything, i miss the process. i care less about how many people are interested in what i have to say, and more about putting stuff out there because it feels good. only this time with a little more care with how i go about it.
after years of listening to Ariel’s advice and following her lead–i’ll be making most of the posts from the previous blog password-protected and be a little more careful about what is made public. so for the 5 or 6 people who still check in from time to time, you’ll need a password to see the good stuff.
in the meantime, this clunky little site is being slowly assembled by mr. Dave Keffer and myself, so please excuse the mess while i get this thing put back together.