Tag Archives: rant


consistent pattern of my existence

an ambitious project collapsing [via david shrigley…fantastically hilarious work]
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amen sister

[via salon] Jewel talks about what she learned after she started drinking at 30: “I grew up singing for alcoholics, and it never really seemed like alcohol fixed anything. I was afraid that it would get me. Around 30, I kind of realized that alcohol really does solve all your problems. Whoever said drinking doesn’t […]
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empty gesture

i’ve been traveling a lot lately on business, so earlier in the year i made some significant investments in tumi luggage. for a girl such as i, with a shameless bag fetish, tumi luggage officially qualifies as an investment. tumi bags are fantastic, amazing, magic bags that made me feel like i had a mary […]
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baby steps

baby steps my sister and i are very close. we talk almost every day, and every once in a while have marathon conversations hashing out our deep-seated childhood issues, our ideas about relationships, religion, child rearing and often, haircuts. my sister has a love/hate relationship with her hair. each time she ventures out to her […]
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euphemism of the day. or year.

after a particularly animated rant about how a particular thing should be handled this afternoon, which sounded oh so very elegant and logical to me, a colleague smiled at me and quietly shook her head. i asked her what she was smiling at, she replied,”you’re so cute when you’re being naive.” which gave me pause […]
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post-holiday social irony.

i spent a fantastic christmas holiday with my mother in orange county, lounging and eating and watching old movies. i can now nod along knowingly at cocktail parties when obscure references to philadephia story, king kong (the original), casablanca and it happened one night crop up. which would incidentally explain my sudden urge to pincurl […]
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there’s a finish line?

…if so, it’s MUCH farther than i thought.
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yup. i need a vacation.

i am not the kind of person that believes in signs, but i do look for patterns. anyone who keeps up with me here or in real life, knows i’m a workaholic. after running my time allocation for the last six months, and realizing that i am averaging, AVERAGING almost 65 hours per week. in […]
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pearls of wisdom

every day i learn tiny little lessons about surviving in the corporate world that they just don’t teach you in school. a couple that i’ve learned over the last week: 1. don’t drink at office parties. especially if someone has a camera. 2. do not start bitching about a co-worker before you have actually hung […]
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i’ve been silent for the last couple of weeks. there are times that i go silent because i need a break or i’m overworked…but this time it i was in a protracted battle against comment/trackback spammers. i shut down my comments last December after getting slammed with over 10,000 comment spams in less than a […]
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